
At Kenalily School for Children, we follow the NCERT-based CBSE curriculum. Our curriculum is designed with an aim to strike a balance between academics and extra-curricular activities including several activities, workshops, competitions along with practical projects. We believe in adapting to the changing times and making necessary changes to the curriculum to create a better learning experience for our students. The curriculum opens a wide range of possibilities for both students and teachers.

Kenalily School for Children is managed by, Udgam Consultancy, which works as leverage for our school, their guidance to our school’s curriculum has been invaluable.

Subject Matter Experts (SME) working for Udgam Consultancy design worksheets and curricula for each subject as per CBSE guidelines. The experts research each subject and ensure that the matter embodies the best learning practices in academics. As per the NEP-2020, we prioritize following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which are at the core of our educational goals.

During the process of designing the curriculum, practical knowledge is considered to be a valuable part of learning. At Kenalily School for Children, we impart textbook knowledge using practical experiences to the students. We house laboratories equipped with the latest technology to create a deeper understanding. In order to make them confident and create a learning experience that is beyond textbooks, students participate in field trips, assemblies, and life skills.

All our classrooms are equipped with smart boards as they enhance the student learning experience. The use of smart boards helps bring learning to life and makes it enjoyable and educational simultaneously.

We believe that sports play a vital role in students’ holistic development. We have experts excelling at various sports guiding our students for the same.

A student’s phycological well-being directly affects their learning capacity. We have a counsellor on campus to take care of our student’s mental health, personal session is also conducted whenever it is needed.